Showing posts with label Direct Sales selling tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Direct Sales selling tips. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Avon website Free Shipping - let your customers know!

Have you told your customers? Avon is celebrating Cinco de Mayo with Free Shipping!  Let your customers know to us Avon Promo code CINCO for all direct delivery orders of $25 or more at check out for free shipping. This order expires at midnight May 5, 2015!
Avon cinco de mayo free shipping

If you are not an Avon representative, and you would like to signup tosell Avon:
Enter Avon reference code RENEEMOREAU
Fill out the application; there is a $15 non-refundable start-up fee to become an Avon representative.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Avon Selling tip: Avon marketing on Facebook

Avon Selling tip: Avon marketing on Facebook

Do you use Facebook to market your Avon business? I enjoy being on Facebook to connect with friends and family…but did you know Facebook is an excellent marketing resource for your Avon business? According to Tech Crunch (article dated 10/27/14) Facebook drives over 22% of social base traffic referrals to sites, just like your personal Avon representative site! Why wouldn’t you want to take part of that action, and get referrals to your Avon site!

Avon Business Page with Facebook
You can share your Avon business information on your personal website. However, keep in mind, your Facebook friends have connected with you because they are interested in you. If you flood your feed with all Avon posts, you may find some of your connections getting frustrated, and you will lose your audience. I occasionally post about my Avon business on my personal profile, but make sure to continue to post the personal type of information I like to share with friends and family – that’s why we connected in the first place!

If you have a personal profile with Facebook, you may also create a business page for all things Avon! With an Avon business page on Facebook, you will have a larger audience, and you can even buy advertising to grow your network! You may also build a group page and create events, like online Avon parties.

What to Post on an Avon Business Page
My goal is to post from my Avon Business Page daily. When I stay organized, I accomplish that, usually with the help of a post scheduler like I use posts and videos from in the Social Media center under the Web Office tab, but that does not always get me through the full 2 week Avon campaign. So, here are a few other posts ideas for you:
  • Each new Avon campaign, create a new photo album. Start with the current Avon campaign book cover, and select several pages throughout the book. Use the campaign number in the title, and include your website address in the description.
  • Visit your Avon representative website daily; sometimes new promos are posted on the Avon representative site before we are notified by If a new promotion is on your Avon representative website, use that as a post. Promotions would include free shipping, free gift with purchase, coupon codes, discount codes. In your post, give your Avon representative url, instructions to use the promotion and expiration date.
  • Select a product. It can be a new product, one of your favorite products, a best seller, an outlet product, a current sale product (include special price information) any product you would like to use. Make sure to rotate through the type of products you post: if you used a make-up product in your last product post, use a skincare product next, then select fashion, jewelry, fragrance, men’s products, keep rotating through for a broader audience.
  • Recruit and earn leadership! Don’t forget, earning income with Avon does not have to be sales alone. Use your recruiting material to build a team. I try to keep a balance between posting to grow sales and posting to grow my Avon team by posting the Avon Opportunity as frequently as I post Avon products and specials.

Find Help and Help Others
There are several Avon groups on Facebook! Join these groups, and participate in discussions. You will be surprised at how wonderful and helpful established, successful Avon representatives are. These groups are positive forums, supportive feedback, celebration with others success and plenty of answers or inspiration or advise when you need it! Plus, many create and share images, labels, fundraising ideas and other helpful information with the group.

Follow business pages of other Avon representatives. Show your support to other Avon representatives, and if asked, help where you can. We all need help from someone at some point, and we all should be ready to help one another as well. Following Avon business pages of other Avon representatives will help to inspire you on the types of posts you want to use. Remember, another representative’s posts are their own work, so do not copy!

How do I start selling Avon?

Become an Avon representative online, sell Avon today!
Visit: (use the link straight from this page)
Enter Avon Reference Code: RENEEMOREAU (should already be filled)
Any questions using the online form, call Avon at 888-782-7815
Check out for information for New Avon Reps.
You will receive an Avon welcome email from me; your Avon representative starter kit should be received within 1-3 business days.
sign up to sell avon

Shop Avon Campaign 07 2015 book effective March 5 through March 18 online at

Connect with me, Renee Fitts, Avon Ind Sls Rep:

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Avon Sales tip: Build your Avon Online Marketing Plan

Selling Avon Online can be very fruitful – once you have built up your online marketing. One of the first steps you should take to start Avon online marketing should be to add Google Analytics to your Avon eRep website. (For instructions on how to add Google Analytics to your Avon website, please visit Beauty Marketing: eRep,) 

Using Google Analytics with your Avon website will help you to see how many page views you have had, unique visitors to your page, pages viewed, bounce rate; among many other helpful marketing tools. These tools help you gauge how your Avon website is performing from start. You will then see how your Avon online marketing changes the website performance, helping to better understand what drives traffic to your site, giving you strategy on what to focus on next.

The bounce rate…this is one tool that can be tricky to understand. Google informs the bounce rate is the percentage of website visitors to your page whom view one single page before exiting the website. Sounds fairly straight forward, right? It is, until you start to analyze your results. By this definition, a low bounce rate should be a good indication your visitors are moving past the Avon Welcome screen to view other pages, like your blog or shopping Avon products online from your Avon store. However, I have come across data that conflicts this belief…I have Google Analytics on some other pages I manage, and was so excited to see a bounce rate of 19%! I thought, wow, I have really done something interesting and engaging for my audience! I then turned my attention to average page views = 0.26. What? How do I have 81% of my visitors going to at least a second page, with an average number of pages viewed less than 1? 

So, I researched…I searched, searched, searched, searched. One thing I learned very quickly, I am no expert in online marketing! (Don’t let that bother you; The beautiful thing is, to do well marketing Avon online, you do not have to be an expert in online marketing! You need a broad understanding, an open mind, determination to figure out what works…having the knowledge will help lead the way in online Avon sales, and you get to learn as you go!) So, if you have a great understanding of SEO, online marketing, and all the terms that go along with it, I do not have a ton of extra insight for you…if you are an Avon representative wanting to grow your Avon online sales with little knowledge of all that stuff, here is my little insight to help you along: The way Google Analytics measures your bounce rate has to do with a single interaction of a website: events, transactions, chat, email, ect. My conclusion for you is this; a lower bounce rate does show more interaction on your Avon website, but may not necessarily mean shopping on your site. It is still important to have a low bounce rate because you do want your customers engaged, but do not rely on just that bounce rate to determine the performance of your Avon website. Dig deeper in Google Analytics to find what pages your customers are going to, where they exit off from your Avon site. That will help you determine what your next goal should be in your Avon online marketing plan!

It’s not just about having people visit your Avon website; it’s keeping visitors on your website, engaged in content to drive them to be YOUR customer.

Want to sell Avon?
Become an Avon Representative:
If you are ready to start your Avon business:

  1. Go to
  2. Use Avon referral code RENEEMOREAU
  3. Fill out the form, read/agree to the terms and conditions of becoming an Independent Avon representative, then choose your starter kit!

(The Basic Avon Starter Kit is $15; covers signup fee & supplies you with a $25 value kit. The Deluxe Avon Starter Kit is $100; covers signup fee & supplies you with a $355 value kit.)  

Shop Avon Campaign 06 2015 book effective February 19 through March 4 online at

Follow us on:

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Marketing Tips for New Avon Independent Sales Reps. Build Your Customer Base (Pt.2)

New Avon Representative? Start Building your Customer Base!

Canvass the Neighborhood: If you're brave enough, knock on doors and ask if they need an Avon Representative. This is a great way to find out who really is interested and who is not. Then, you will save your catalogs for people who are interested and be able to collect contact information right away, making follow up easier (always, always follow up!) Who knows, maybe you can find a recruit or a helper this way?
Not quite that brave? Bag it! Bag together a current brochure (label it with due date, and how long you can backorder,) your business card, a letter introducing yourself, and even a sample if you want. As a new representative, I did not give out a large amount of samples. I would offer to order or order when someone requested. Once you have been selling a while, somehow you end up with plenty of samples to give out! So, don’t feel like you have to give everyone a sample. Your introduction letter should describe your services and tell why you started Avon, and give people a little insight on who you are. You could even add a coupon at the bottom of the letter for a % off or a free gift on a first order. Do not place bags in anyone’s mail box! Check your local laws about hanging them on door knobs, laying them at the front door, or hanging them on hand rails.
Many people like to do a catalog "Toss" with books onto people's property. I often hear people stating they have received complaints when doing this, but some find it to be effective and find new customers by doing so.
Email Signature: Always use an email signature! Email signatures are easy to set up, and will let everyone you email know you are an Avon rep. Plus, it looks professional when responding to your customers. I like to include my eRep website address and Opportunity link as well. Here is a look at what I have:
Renee Moreau Fitts, AVON Ind Sales Rep, National recruiter

More to come in Marketing Tips for New Avon Independent Sales Reps: Build Your Customer Base Part 3
Renee M Fitts, AVON Ind Sls Rep, UL, National Recruiter
Sell Avon:

Become an Avon Representative:
If you have liked what you have read, and you are ready to start your Avon business:

  • Go to
  • Use referral code RENEEMOREAU
  • Fill out the form, read and agree to the terms and conditions of becoming an Independent Avon representative, and choose your starter kit!

(The Basic Start Kit is $15; it covers your signup fee and supplies you with a $25 value kit. The Deluxe Starter Kit is $100; it covers your signup fee and supplies you with a $355 value kit.) 
avon starter kits

Monday, October 27, 2014

Marketing Tips for New Avon Independent Sales Reps: Build Your Customer Base (Part 1)

New Avon Representative? Start Building your Customer Base!

To Get Started with Selling Avon:
Since Avon is a Direct Sales company, you will need to build relationships with people and offer service and personal attention. However, first you will need to find yourself some customers. The easiest place to start is with your family and friends. You might feel shy talking about your new business, and if the thought of approaching a person you do not know makes you nervous, practice with your family and friends! Treat each person in your circle as a potential new customer, not just someone you know. The more often you share your business, the easier it becomes!

Avon recommends using the Power of 3, sharing your Avon business with at least 3 people each day. Have a conversation with the person in front of you in line at the bank, offer to help plan a fundraiser for a small business, or leave your brochure and information with your tip for your server at lunch. Practice a few different scenarios with friends to help you find what you are comfortable with. Reach out to your local Avon District Manager – your DM should be more than happy to meet with you and go out in the field with you for support.

Don’t forget to be yourself and be friendly, you want to build a relationship with your potential customers from your very first interaction, and offer good service. Your customers are also your best marketing tool! Getting new customers through word of mouth: If someone likes the personal attention you have given them during your Avon transactions, they are likely to mention it to their friends or family, and you will grow with referrals. You can even offer incentives for your customers to bring you referrals!
avon rep

Marketing your Avon Business
According to the American Marketing Association Board of Directors, the definition ofMarketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large.

You have told everyone you know about your Avon business, and to grow you will need to keep working to market yourself. There are many ways to do this, including newsletters, door to door with your neighbors, flyers, having an open house, hosting an Avon party, online local classifieds, and the list could grow and grow…Be creative! (And double check the Avon guidelines to make sure you are following Avon policies.)
avon bags

Local Fairs, Bazaars, Booths: These events are normally looking for venders, and offer table space for a small price. Don’t be shy, go for it!! Having a space at an event is an excellent way to recruit new reps and gain new customers. Go lightly on inventory, and select a few key items to buy and have onsite for “try me” and for on the spot purchases. You will want to get contact information from each person interested to follow up with later, and can order anything they want at that time; a great way to get everyone’s information is to set up a basket for a prize drawing! Hand out brochures to everyone that walks by, be ready to answer questions about Avon, and make sure to follow up with everyone interested in buying Avon or Selling Avon over the next week or so. (I like to do these with other Avon reps so we can have someone to sign up new reps, someone to bring in people and someone to sell. We all split up recruits and orders, as well as the fee for the table space.)

Open House, Avon Party: You can set up at your own home, or have a customer host a party. Be sure to reward your host with special offers based on the amount of sales at the party, and do a prize drawing like described above to get contact information on your new potential customers. Again, go lightly on the inventory. You want to have items to try, but you do not need to have the items on hand to sell them – you can order what your customers want to get to them later! You can have theme parties like Manicure/Pedicures, Skin Care, Beach, Christmas, Halloween, ect.

You can also create an event on Facebook, an online party, and post items for people to order. You can post all items at once and allow people to email/message you what they want, and have a few scheduled giveaways for those who have ordered. (Personally, I have not done this YET…but I am planning to soon, and I am really excited to take part and see the results!)

Partner with Other Local Businesses: Do not be shy to talk to local business owners and ask to leave your business cards at their establishment. You can offer to promote their business as well. Trading business cards or coupons would be a great way for each of you to grow business, and you might be surprised how supportive small business owners are to one another.

More to come in Marketing Tips for New Avon Independent Sales Reps: Build Your Customer Base Part 2

Renee M Fitts

Renee M Fitts, AVON Ind Sls Rep, UL, National Recruiter
Sell Avon:

Become an Avon Representative:
If you have liked what you have read, and you are ready to start your Avon business:

  • Go to
  • Use referral code RENEEMOREAU
  • Fill out the form, read and agree to the terms and conditions of becoming an Independent Avon representative, and choose your starter kit!

(The Basic Start Kit is $15; it covers your signup fee and supplies you with a $25 value kit. The Deluxe Starter Kit is $100; it covers your signup fee and supplies you with a $355 value kit.)  

Monday, October 20, 2014

Maximize your referrals!

Are you asking for referrals from your customers? Receiving referrals is a great way to build your business. These prospective customers are more comfortable to do business with you because they have heard good information about you through a mutual friend. When they are a referral from a friend, a lot of the hard work of engaging conversation is already removed.

Be easy to contact
Make sure your customers have all of your contact information, your business card and the most current Avon brochure. The more up to date, correct information your customers have, the easier it is for them to have their referrals contact you. Be available to answer any questions for your customers and their referrals – its good customer service that will keep them YOUR customers.

Follow up
It is very important that when someone takes the time to give you a referral, you show appreciation by reaching out to the referral, and letting your customer know that you have done so. Even if you feel a referral may be a waste of your time, your customer was courteous enough to give you a referral and you never know what potential business is behind a referral if you have not reached out and tried.

Thank your referrers
How thoughtful that your customer passed along your information and generated a new business lead for you! Whether that referral resulted in new business or not, gratitude will make that customer feel appreciated and more likely to bring you more referrals. Don’t be afraid to reward them with free Avon product, or a discount – you can even set forth incentives with your customers to motivate them to bring you referrals at your first point of sale with them.
Join Avon

If you are not an Avon representative, and you would like to sign up to sell Avon:
Enter reference code RENEEMOREAU

Fill out the application – there is a $15 non-refundable start-up fee to become an Avon representative.

Use MLM tips to help you online

Monday, August 4, 2014


Molly Stone Bibb is one Avon's best - and she is a wonderful resource of knowledge. Be sure to connect to wonderful people like her to keep yourself motivated!
This is a great video on starting to build a customer base.