Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Avon Sales Tips: Get More from Traffic on your Avon Online Store

Avon Sales Tips: Get More from Traffic on your Avon Online Store

Avon representatives want to see more traffic hit their personal Avon online store. The more traffic you have to your Avon store, the more likely you are to recruit those visits to new team members or additional customers – placing orders, giving you more Avon orders, earning you more money! So, once you get your traffic, make sure your Avon Welcome page is encouraging visitors to take action. Have the tools in place to for your visitors to register as an Avon customer with you or sign up to become an Avon Representative on your Avon team.
Get Avon Customers

Avon Marketing on your Welcome page

You are working hard with your online marketing presence…using the Avon Social Media center, posting on Facebook, Twitter, and you have been blogging. You have been using Google Analytics or another website visitor analytic site to track visits. You can see visits…but where are the sales and recruits? I know, it seems discouraging, but do not give up! Appreciate the performance you see because boosting traffic is not an easy task, and that is an achievement to celebrate! Here are a few of my traffic conversion tips:

Customize your Avon eStore   Search engines, Google, Yahoo, Bing, explore the internet for websites that keep content fresh, updated and current. Avon campaigns switch every 2 weeks, so why not freshen your page every 2 weeks to reflect the new campaign book, current coupon codes, the dates the new campaign will be available on your Avon eStore. Add an image, a hyperlink to a specific Avon product, or other helpful information.

Use the Avon blog   The Avon blog page is an additional piece of your Avon eStore that is rummaged by search engines, to keep that up to date just as you would your Welcome page. I like to add to my Avon page blog several times a week with specific product information, my personal reviews, daily specials, how to sign up to sell Avon.
Avon Blog Renee

Avon eStore Widgets to Use   Receiving information from your visitors is very important. It gives you additional information to market to the individual based on the expressed interest. Adding the Believe in your Business widget will allow potential new team members to sign up on your team. This widget takes them to the Avon representative sign up page, with your Avon referral code already filled in, and they can join Avon right away! Displaying the eNewsletter sign up allows your visitors the opportunity to sign up for Avon emails, and gives you contact information. Why not reach out? Thank the visitor for stopping by and signing up, offer to mail a brochure, ask if there is anything you can do to help with that visitor’s Avon needs? What a nice personal touch!

Avon Automated Email Program   Turn your Avon emails on!! It is very easy for a customer to unsubscribe if they want to, so do not be afraid to turn it on. You will actually be surprised at how many customers stay subscribed. Several of my sales come in on days when the automated email has sent out a great sale, deal, free shipping, or free gift. I have the promotional and the campaign emails turned on, and I am subscribed myself to see what’s happening every day. Go to Web Office in youravon.com, under eStore, select the personalization tool, and automated email programs are listed under customer preferences.

Mail Brochures   You can mail your own brochures, or you can use Campaign Mailer or Consultant Depot to get new catalogs out to your customers. I occasionally have a new customer sign up, and then no order. I will send that sign up new books for at least 2 months. Anyone who has ordered from my online Avon store in the last 4 months will receive a catalog in the mail as well. Most of my brochure mailed customers have become my most loyal customers and order every 1-2 months.

Find more information:

Want to sell Avon?
Become an Avon Representative:
If you are ready to start your Avon business:

1.     Go to www.startavon.com
2.     Use Avon referral code RENEEMOREAU
3.     Fill out the form, read/agree to the terms and conditions of becoming an Independent Avon representative, then choose your starter kit!

(The Basic Avon Starter Kit is $15; covers signup fee & supplies you with a $25 value kit. The Deluxe Avon Starter Kit is $100; covers signup fee & supplies you with a $355 value kit.)  

Connect with me, Renee Fitts, Avon Ind Sls Rep:

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