Thursday, March 19, 2015

Avon Sales Tip: Update your Avon Welcome page with New Campaign book cover C8

Want to attract more traffic to your Avon online store? Keep it personalized! Search engines more often offer results of pages that are updated often, and contain information relevant to keyword searches. If you update your Avon online store for each campaign, you will have the information for the most current Avon information on your page. Your visitors to have a welcome page that is representative of you! I will walk you through the steps I took to update my Welcome page for my Avon online store for the Campaign 8 book. These steps will show you how to add a picture of the Avon campaign book on your Welcome page, and you add your own personal touch by adding a personal message of your own.

Step 1: Log on to and select WEB OFFICE

Step 2: Select either the box titled EDIT MY ESTORE or EDIT ESTORE listed under ESTORE

Step 3: Choose the box you want to update on your Welcome page by selecting the pencil icon. I like to use the largest box.

Step 4: You will want to choose PERSONAL MESSAGE from the choices provided. Since I have already have a Personal Message saved, my information is already loaded. I will be changing Avon Campaign 7 over to Campaign 8.

Step 5: Adding the Campaign 8 book cover needs to be done in html code, so you will want to select the </> button. If you already have a personal message saved, you will see codes similar to what is illustrated in this picture – if you are not familiar with html, you can delete what you have (you will replace with code soon), and in a later step, you will be able to re-enter the information you want. If you are familiar with html, you can replace just the coding you need for the new Campaign book cover.

Step 6: Highlight and copy the code below:

Step 7: Paste the code into the box for your Personal Message. If you are familiar with html, you can replace just the coding you need for the Campaign 8 book cover.

Find in the code "repid=13450073" and replace "13450073" with your Avon account number. The number you use to log on to

Step 8: Select the </> button again to review what your customers will see when the reach your Avon online store on the Welcome page. Make sure everything is correct, and add a personal message as you would like.

Step 9: Create a label for your Personal Message, and the select SAVE.  MAKE SURE YOU SAVE YOUR WORK and do not use the X button, or you will lose all you have created!

For more Avon marketing tips, sign up for email notifications on by entering your email address in the box along the right hand side titled FOLLOW BY EMAIL and select submit.

If you found this article helpful and feel others would benefit, please, please share this post!

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Renee M Fitts, AVON Ind Sls Rep, UL, National Recruiter

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