Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Avon selling tips: Network! Connect to get inspired and be inspiring!

Building your own business is not easy to do. With Avon, you are responsible for your success, but you are not alone! There are many networking groups created by Avon top leaders- and they are happy to help YOU! It is not easy to stay motivated and positive, but if you surround yourself with positive, and actively participate in a positive way, you might be surprised by the results. Hearing success stories motivates me to work harder, and there are always new ideas to pick up and try. I enjoy trying new techniques with my business, and I strive to find not just what works, but what works for ME! I look for techniques that help me grow as an entrepreneur, a marketer, a sales person, a leader, and as a person. I have learned so much from connecting with Avon leadership, and highly recommend getting involved. What could it hurt?

Here is my current list of top Avon leaders to follow on Facebook – and my list continues to grow has I meet more and more leaders!
  1. Makeup Marketing Online – This group is led by Emily Seagren. Emily was one of the first Avon Leaders I began to follow a couple of years ago, and boy has she taught me a lot! She has a great knowledge of online marketing and recruiting. Plus, Emily Seagren was just recognized as the 2015 Avon Woman of Enterprise! (Congrats Emily!!)
  2. Onward No Matter What! - Creators Molly Stone-Bibb and Lee Bibb are very active in what is new and happening in Avon. Molly has a reputation for having a big personally with big hair – straight-forward, likable, and positive! Do not be negative or disrespectful, this group is supportive and looks for solutions, and you will be “POOFED” off the page if you are not following the rules! No question is too big or too small, and this is a well-established group of motivated reps.
  3. Monday Morning Madness - if you are an Avon rep and you do not know who Lisa Wilber is…look up Lisa Wilber!  Creator of The Winner in You, Lisa is a MILLIONARE Avon rep who has been in the business since 1981. This group discusses all things direct sales and network marketing, and Lisa is one of the best in all of direct sales, not just Avon! No whining allowed in this group! Lisa knows how to work hard to earn, and have fun doing it, and she is a wealth of knowledge.
  4. MontAVON Climbers - Linda Marie Hoekel Montavon created this group for a place for all Avon reps to share photos, promotions, events, tips, inspiration to provide guidance and support for a growing and lucrative Avon home based business. Anyone can share ideas and advice.

I know, my list is short right now. I have several other groups I am a part of that I love, but you have got to start somewhere! These are my starting suggestions, and I highly recommend looking up the Avon leaders that are in the Avon books View from the Top. Also, most of our Whats New books will have Avon representatives featured in the pages- look those people up! Connect, network, get inspired…you have your own Avon business, but you are not alone! Successful Avon Leaders want to see you succeed as well, so don’t be shy!

If you are not an Avon representative, and you would like to signup to sell Avon:
Enter Avon reference code RENEEMOREAU

Fill out the application; there is a $15 non-refundable start-up fee to become an Avon representative.

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