Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Avon Leadership Tips: Fifth Order Email

When you have new Avon representatives sign up, it is important to keep in touch as he/she learns this new business. Within 24 hours of sing up, be sure to send your new rep a Welcome Email.

Within 2-3 days of the new rep’s first 8 order due dates, I send a reminder email of the order date. Each email I send out contains tips and tricks for becoming a successful Avon Representative. I previously posted the 

Here is an example of my Fifth Order email, feel free to use mine or your own or make changes to make it personal to yourself and your new representative:

Congratulations, Renee! Coming up is your 5th AVON order. (Tuesday)

This week is your 5th AVON order and you have been a rep for just over 2 months now CONGRATULATIONS!

A few tips and reminders:
1.      Be sure to reference your handy sales charts so you know where you are for your earnings. (Shown in your 4th order email.)
2.      Use your eRep website and your Avon Sign-up Link on all of your brochures, and add to your email signature.
3.      Social Media and blogging will help get your eRep website working for you. Be consistent, and use your tools!
4.      If you have not yet joined our helpful team site please do so today at
5.      As always we don’t know you need help unless we are hearing from you. So please do not hesitate to contact us if you need additional coaching or support. 

To help you be a success. Here are some other proven ways to increase your sales!
1.      This is your business. Determine the hours each week that you can work on Avon and stick to these hours.
2.      Set personal goals. This can be dollar amounts, number of people you’ll talk to, etc. Challenge yourself each and every day, each and every Campaign.
3.      The brochure is your store; no one can shop without one. ALWAYS CARRY BROCHURES WITH YOU! Customers are more likely to buy a product if they can first see it or try it; order demonstration products and show them (wear them).
4.      Attach samples to the page on the brochure where the product is featured—customers will try it and make the connection that is it offered at a special price this campaign.
5.      Customer service is key; know your customers’ buying habits; let them know when their favorite cologne or lipstick is on sale.
6.      Consider sending newsletters to your customers with info on what’s new, tips on makeup or skincare, how our products compare to other brands, etc. (I like to use a blog for this.)
7.      Email your customers and invite them to purchase on your website. With the ability to sell throughout the country, your earnings potential is limitless! Use the automated email service Avon offers on the website.  Your customers will enjoy receiving them.
8.      Informative handouts received from the manager can be reproduced; make copies and distribute to your customers. (Also, check out for more.)
9.      Call your customers before your order deadline—do this every campaign and the results will amaze you!  People “intend” to call you with and order, but often forget or get too busy…if you’re not calling them, you are missing orders!
10.  Wearing and using Avon products is great advertising. Your personal testimony concerning a product will MAKE THE SALE. Advertise byword-of-mouth and never stop telling people about Avon!
11.  Use a cross-reference directory at your local library or on the internet. You can obtain the names and phone numbers of people in your area so you can follow up on brochures you leave. Try internet site:
12.  Host an Avon party at your home.  At that party, offer a gift to someone who will host the next party.
13.  Talk to groups and organizations about selling Avon as a way to earn money for their group; order fundraiser materials available on the website.
14.  Encourage customers to order more. If a customer orders lipstick, suggest a matching nail polish. If she orders fragrance, suggest another item in the same fragrance.
15.  Always ask customers if their purchase will be “cash or charge?” People buy more when they can “charge it”. You can get the NEW phone scanners that accept credit cards and checks* wherever your customers are. I have the one through Paypal.
16.  Learn about the Avon product line.  Customers like to purchase from knowledgeable sales people. Take the Beauty Of Knowledge Classes.

Avon Representative Renee
Avon Representative

Renee M Fitts   
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